Archive for the "Emotions in the Workplace" Category
Jul 2014
Managers should Build, not Burn, Bridges
Seth Godin, in his recent blog Burning Bridges, talks about people who in their quest to achieve their goals, can burn bridges along the way which not only damages their relationships but also their reputation. How can managers build or repair bridges with their staff? Be approachable and encourage your staff to be open and […]
Sep 2013
Managing Your Former Peers
Getting promoted within your work group can be a huge challenge especially if some of your former peers believe that they are entitled to the job. Common reactions can include: Overt anger where they are openly hostile towards you Undermining you in meetings Refusing to do what you ask of them Not letting you know […]
Jul 2013
Emotional Intelligence and Social Awareness
How many of you work with a colleague who without you saying much approach you and ask you if you are OK? They have watched you the past couple of days and have seen that you are not your usual upbeat self. Or, your manager backs off from asking you to stay late at work […]
Jul 2013
Raising your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand and manage emotions in a positive way. When it comes to well-being and success in the workplace Emotional Intelligence helps us to to stay calm under pressure and understand how our behaviour positively and negatively impacts others. It also helps us anticipate the needs of […]
May 2013
Handling Tears in the Workplace
Time Magazine published an interesting article about the benefits of crying at work. This article got our attention as one of the questions we often get asked in our Difficult Conversations programs is “how do you handle it when an employee cries?” Research conducted by Anne Kreamer for her 2011 book called It’s Always Personal: Navigating Emotion in […]