Becoming a High Performance Cohesive Team

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team program introduces to intact teams and work groups, the techniques for becoming a high performance cohesive team. It highlights how good communication, creating a high trust environment, understanding others’ style preferences, and fostering cooperation among team members can help a team achieve its goals.

The program starts with The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team online assessment which measures a team’s strengths and areas for development across 5 key behaviours:

  • Trust
  • Conflict
  • Commitment
  • Accountability
  • Results

Team results are combined with an Everything DiSC® profile to help team members link team behaviour with their individual style preferences and priorities.  Gaining a better understanding and greater appreciation of each team member’s style can help the team work together more effectively as a whole.

The assessment process is followed by a series of facilitated sessions focused on the five behaviours.

(‘The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team’ is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Who would benefit from this training:

  •  Intact teams and work groups

This training program is run In-House for clients at your preferred venue.  It can be delivered over two days, or as 3-5 tailored half day sessions conducted over several months with team action learning activities built into the program.

Our team development training courses also include:


Contact us on 1300 730 204  or  Send us an email