Archive for the "Assertiveness" Category
Sep 2013
Managing Your Former Peers
Getting promoted within your work group can be a huge challenge especially if some of your former peers believe that they are entitled to the job. Common reactions can include: Overt anger where they are openly hostile towards you Undermining you in meetings Refusing to do what you ask of them Not letting you know […]
May 2013
Handling Tears in the Workplace
Time Magazine published an interesting article about the benefits of crying at work. This article got our attention as one of the questions we often get asked in our Difficult Conversations programs is “how do you handle it when an employee cries?” Research conducted by Anne Kreamer for her 2011 book called It’s Always Personal: Navigating Emotion in […]
Apr 2013
Do Women Hold Themselves Back?
Confident young girls may be seen as “bossy” or “pushy” while male peers who act the same way are praised as “outgoing” or “authoritative”. This is one of the central ideas of Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, which highlights the ways in which women are often socialised […]